温州市恒悦泵业有限公司,是一家专业从事制造与销售凸轮式转子泵、混合均质泵、均质乳化泵的企业。公司经过十余年的稳健发展和技术积累,产品外观精致,设计合理、功能先进、性能可靠、使用方便等特点,广泛应用于石油化工、精细化工、日用化工、化纤、食品、制药、造纸、化肥农药、涂料、树脂、环保、冶金等行业。公司秉承着“ 质量第一, 客户至上, 一切以服务客户为核心!”为宗旨,产品与服务受到广大国内外用户的一致好评与肯定。我们将不断融合久益的先进技术与管理经验,提供品质服务,与广大用户建立真挚的合作关系,共创美好未来。
企 业 使 命:专注于流体输送行业,提供最佳的解决方案,给客户创造最优价值。
企 业 愿 景:同心协力、合作共赢,共同收获明日之辉煌!
Wenzhou Hengyue Pump Industry Co., Ltd. is a professional enterprise engaged in the manufacturing and sales of cam rotor pumps, mixed homogenization pumps, and homogenization emulsification pumps. After more than ten years of steady development and technical accumulation, the company has refined product appearance, reasonable design, advanced functions, reliable performance, convenient use and other characteristics, which are widely used in petrochemical, fine chemical, daily chemical, chemical fiber, food, pharmacy, paper making, fertilizer and pesticide, coating, resin, environmental protection, metallurgy and other industries.The company adheres to the principle of "quality first, customer first, and everything is centered on serving customers!", and its products and services have received unanimous praise and affirmation from domestic and foreign users.We will continuously integrate Joy's advanced technology and management experience, provide high-quality services, establish sincere cooperation with our customers, and create a better future together.